
院校 / 大学学费 2024-06-14 16:01:33








现代通信技术专科历史5300 / 年
铁道供电技术专科历史5300 / 年
铁道运输类专科历史5300 / 年
城市轨道交通运营管理专科历史5300 / 年
城市轨道交通通信信号技术专科历史5300 / 年
城市轨道车辆应用技术专科历史5300 / 年
铁道机车运用与维护专科历史5300 / 年
城市轨道交通供配电技术专科历史5300 / 年
城市轨道交通工程技术专科历史5300 / 年
铁道工程技术专科历史5300 / 年
高速铁路综合维修技术专科历史5300 / 年
铁道信号自动控制专科历史19200 / 年
铁道交通运营管理专科历史19200 / 年
现代通信技术专科物理5300 / 年
铁道供电技术专科物理5300 / 年
铁道运输类专科物理5300 / 年
城市轨道交通运营管理专科物理5300 / 年
城市轨道交通通信信号技术专科物理5300 / 年
城市轨道车辆应用技术专科物理5300 / 年
铁道机车运用与维护专科物理5300 / 年
城市轨道交通供配电技术专科物理5300 / 年
城市轨道交通工程技术专科物理5300 / 年
铁道工程技术专科物理5300 / 年
高速铁路综合维修技术专科物理5300 / 年
铁道信号自动控制专科物理19200 / 年
铁道交通运营管理专科物理19200 / 年












Eight decades of vicissitude has enriched the NVIRTers with the responsibilities of “empowering the students with moral, dedicating to the rail cause and serving for the community” in the historic perspective. The hardship and struggle have led to excellent traditions and rich rail campus in addition to its output of quality skilled graduates, which has thus been highly acclaimed by the society. NVIRT has opened a new chapter since its upgrade to the college. She has shown outstanding performance in the 1st appraisal of higher occupational or junior college training by the Ministry of Education, as a model junior college at the provincial level. The new campus in Pukou was initiated and new innovative training system was commenced. Strategic cooperation with the industry or regional large company has been entered for tailor-made training. High level practice platform combining industry and teaching has been set up and co-training with other higher learning institutions has been forwarded. The student entrepreneurship or sci-tech industrial park co-sponsored with the government agencies and companies have been built to remodel in a way of integrated learning so as to enhance the training. NVIRT has been rewarded as “one of the top 50 service contributors of junior college”, “one of top 50 with international impact”, “advanced entity in occupational training at provincial level”, “civilized campus at provincial level”, or “advanced entity in graduate employment at provincial level”. Her enrollment marks have been at the top for 7 consecutive years and her graduates have ranked at the top 3 in job competitiveness for 6 consecutive years. NVIRT has been listed as an excellent higher learning occupational college by the Ministry of Education and selected as a high level junior occupational college with characteristics and various disciplines.

With the new target of “New NVIRT with Chinese Characteristics and world level” defined by new Party Commission, NVIRT, having its base in Jiangsu, will make great effort in emancipating minds, deepening reform, highly implementing college’s five development strategies for building an excellent college focused on quality, talents, innovation, characteristics and openness, entirely promoting “Double High” construction, which has been orientating to Jiangsu, facing China, serving the industry of railway and urban rail transit, aiming at the regional economy, and focusing on the main task of cultivating students by strengthening their moral education, so as to cultivate high-quality skilled talents with patriotism, craftsman spirit and rail gene, those of whom will make contribution to better serve transportation strategy, the Belt and Road initiative, and the constriction for “New Jiangsu on railway”.


